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In the News

Nutrition for Busy People

In this episode, we’ll be talking to Chad O’Connor, the Founder, Owner, and President of Fresh Fit Foods, Southwest Florida's premiere company for nutritious, delicious and convenient prepared meals. He’ll talk about his journey to starting Fresh Fit Foods, and the steps he had to take to become a successful small-business entrepreneur. We will also discuss the benefits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and finding nutritious food options even when you are at your absolute busiest.

Food for Life

(Business Observer) Chef Chad O’Connor figured eight years ago he’d do well selling his specially formulated, low-calorie, high-energy lunches and dinners to gym dwellers, the CrossFit crowd and periodic dieters.

Fresh Fit Foods delivers healthy, prepared meals in Naples, Fort Myers

(The News-Press) With the New Year here, many across Southwest Florida are turning to prepared meals to help them stick to their resolutions for health and weight loss in 2018, and local meal-delivery services say this is a busy season.

Fresh Fit Foods founder launches spin-off catering business

(Naples Daily News) The mastermind behind Fresh Fit Foods, a North Naples-based meal-delivery service that specializes in gluten- and dairy-free foods, has launched a spin-off catering business.

Fresh meal deliveries a new trend in Southwest Florida

(ABC-7) From busy mom to young professional, it's a question nobody wants to deal with at the end of a stressful day. A new trend is sweeping the nation and is here in Southwest Florida -- fresh meals delivered right to your door.

Chad O'Connor of Fresh Fit Foods

(The News-Press) Chad O'Connor is the president and owner of Fresh Fit Foods, a catered meal plan company based in Naples. Since September 2013, his company has provided Southwest Florida with healthy and affordable meals specific to customers' dietary needs.

Gluten and dairy free meal plan company, Fresh Fit Foods, unveils new menu

( Sometimes eating healthy isn’t the easiest option. Many of us are aware of the temptations of drive-thrus and quick bites during a busy day. Plus, who doesn’t love the taste of a juicy burrito or greasy burger? For those looking to get more healthy meals into their diet, Fresh Fit Foods is the go to!