

healthy eating benefits

Healthy eating benefits: Start the year out right

Most people talk about getting healthy and eating right at some point in their lives, especially at the start of a new year. After all, healthy eating benefits the body and mind. However, for many people, getting healthy and eating right seems like a huge task. There’s a lot to ...
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle during the holidays

Tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle during the holidays

It can be hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle during the holidays, but you don’t want to miss out on festivities because you aren’t feeling well. You also don’t want to start the new year feeling sluggish because you indulged too much at holiday celebrations. The holidays are just packed ...
Healthy Thanksgiving meal

Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving can make it difficult to stay on track with your diet and fitness goals but it is possible to have a healthy Thanksgiving. What makes Thanksgiving so hard is the heavy emphasis on food. Friends and families gather for a meal, which is usually a large meal with turkey ...
Balanced Diet

Balanced diet is important for all ‘diets’

There are many diets that have become popular in the past decade, such as the vegan and paleo diets, but there is one thing they all have in common: you still need to follow a balanced diet. What does this mean? Put simply, it doesn’t matter what kind of diet you follow, if you’re ...
Vegan and Paleo diets

Vegan and paleo diets offer many benefits

We’ve all heard of vegan and paleo diets — both emphasize healthy eating but have very significant differences. You could say they are opposite diets with the same goal of healthy eating. So how are they different and is one of them right for you? Vegan diets essentially don’t allow for ...
salad, good eating habits

Eating healthy made easy

In today’s fast-paced world, many people don’t monitor what and how they eat. Fast food or highly processed food are the go-to meal for many individuals across the country. Unfortunately, these types of foods can contribute to health issues. On the other hand, a healthy diet will provide the nutrition your ...
Summer foods to keep you healthy and hydrated such as this tasty watermelon

Summer foods to keep you healthy and hydrated

With the extreme heat and high humidity in Southwest Florida, summer foods need to help keep you healthy and hydrated. You need to eat foods that are li ght, refreshing, and boost your energy. Otherwise, the blazing sun and thick air can make you feel lazy, dehydrated and sluggish. Here ...
Family meal plans in Naples, Fort Myers area

Family meal plans make dinner easy

Fresh Fit Foods’ family meal plans provide delicious dinners packed with nutrition to help your busy family maintain a healthy lifestyle. Planning and preparing meals can be very time-consuming. It’s hard to come up with a variety of recipes the entire family will like and then find the time to ...
health tips such as healthy eating fruits and vegetables

Health tips: Take time to focus on your health

Taking time to focus on your health is extremely important but it’s easy to let daily responsibilities push it down your priority list. However, following a few health tips can help. Between balancing work, family and friends, sometimes it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day. This makes ...
Prepared meals in Naples, FL

Prepared meal plans vs meal kits

What’s the difference between prepared meal plans vs meal kits and how do you choose? Both are delicious and convenient, so they’ve been growing in popularity. They enable you to eat fresh healthy meals without having to find recipes on your own or do the shopping. However, there are a few different ...
Best diet

What is the best diet to follow?

You want to start eating healthy but there are so many diets to follow. How do you know the best diet for you? By diet, we’re not talking about “going on a diet” to lose weight, although following a healthy diet can help with weightloss. We are talking about a ...
Healthy Diet

Are you still following your healthy diet resolution?

As we begin each new year, we often make resolutions for starting a healthy diet, exercising, getting organized or some other goal. By February or March, many are starting to waiver in their dedication to reach their goal. As time passes, interest and effort can decline. Obstacles get in the ...
Gift card for prepared meals

Gift card for prepared meals can make a great holiday present

A gift card for prepared meals can be a great holiday present for family and friends. It’s a practical gift everyone can use and it’s fun to taste so many different healthy meals. It feels good to give gifts to show people how much you appreciate or care about them. ...
Healthy Holiday Desserts are a better choice than traditional cookies such as these

Healthy holiday desserts keep you on track

Healthy holiday desserts will fend off temptation and keep your nutritious lifestyle on track. If you make smart choices, you’ll enjoy a guilt-free holiday without feeling deprived. Eating healthy is particularly hard during the holidays. Many people enjoy baking this time of year and some even give baked goods as gifts ...
Healthy Thanksgiving meals

Healthy Thanksgiving meals are easier than you think

Healthy Thanksgiving meals may sound like an oxymoron. After all, many Thanksgiving dinners are quite the feast. Tables are filled with a large turkey, a wide variety of sides and delicious desserts. It’s tempting to pack your plate and eat a little — or a lot — of everything. This ...